Love on the Moonedge

(ISBN: 979-8-218-03984-4)
5 1/2" x 8 1/2" pages
Size: 213
Language(s): English

Additional Artists

Nazareth Seferian (Translator)

A romantic, multilayered psychological tale about the fatal relationship between man and woman, about the high ideals of man and Fatherland, as well as the alienation, solitude, suffering, falls, and destruction of the individual in the modem, fast-paced world. Man, who bears in him the kingdom of God is also the bearer of evil and vice, hence the first step in changing the world is the self-conquest of man through spiritual, humanistic, and eternal values, which are Love, Compassion, and Kindheartedness.

It is the life of a forty-year-old female writer since her birth up to the year 2020. It details the collapse of the Soviet Union in the context of the emotional upheavals of the people living there as a result of this event, particularly war and blockade, social indigence in independent Armenia, struggle for existence, and mass migrations. The main heroine of the novel, like millions of other people, emigrates to Russia as a teenager with her family. Then, she departs for the United States in her young age in search of luck and fortune. The author passes on to the novel not only socio-psychological but also a political narrative, making the heroine’s life a fictional reflection of the painful events that happened in the world during that time period. The novel discusses the dramatic and painful intimate relationship between the heroine and a narcissistic yet talented male writer lasting ten years in the States up to May, 2020.

Margaret Derants speaks about love through the “whole.”

Parallel to captivating and gripping action, the author presents the memories of the past life of a young woman, her childhood, the struggle of her family and relatives and how they stay alive and persevere in a foreign land while painstakingly searching for their own identity.

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