Yerevan Quarterly, (2) Fall, 2008 Issue
A Magazine with an Accent

(ISBN: 1993-3387)
2008 Yerevan
144 pages
Size: 9" x 11 1/2"
Language(s): English

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CONTENTS: Featured - "Journey is the Destination" - Vahe Berberian, a modern day “Renaissance Man” - an artist, playwright, actor, and a man with a heap of creative ideas, the realization of which takes... Top List - "Armenians in the History of Art" - The sources of Armenian Art are deeply rooted in antiquity, a statement confirmed by the unique pictographs dated to the 6th millennium B. C. The... Hypotheses and Discoveries - "With Metal in Voice" - Knowledge has been the most valuable asset throughout the history of civilization. How can we preserve it, pass it to our descendants, and not to lose... Retro - "The Architect of the 12th Capital" - History is made in a single attempt; it cannot be rewritten but only revisited. The physical history of Yerevan in the 20th century was written with a...

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