Tina Demirdjian

Tina Demirdjian's first book, IMPRINT, is published thanks to a grant from the City of Glendale’s Arts and Culture Commission and additional funding from the Durfee Foundation. A selection of Demirdjian’s poems have appeared in Aspora, Ararat International Journal, the Los Angeles Times, High Performance, Midwest Poetry Review, the Texas Observer, and in Birthmark: a bi-lingual anthology of Armenian-American poetry published in 1999. She is the recipient of three honorable mentions from the Arroyo Arts Collective’s Poetry in the Windows contests. Ms. Demirdjian has taught poetry in schools, libraries and community centers throughout Los Angeles since 1991. Teaching, for Ms. Demirdjian, is the vehicle that allows her the opportunity to best serve the community in which she lives.
Role: Author
