Stepan Mnatsakanian
STEP'AN K. MNATS'AKANIAN (bom in 1917), is Doctor of Architectural Science and Director of the Department of Architecture at the Armenian Academy of Sciences Institute of Art. Professor Mnats'akanian is the author of a number of monographs and articles, among which are included: Haykakan Gavit'neri Chartarapetut'yune (The Architecture of Armenian .Porches), 1952; Haykakan Chartarapetut'yan Siwnik'I Dprots'e (The Siwnik' School of Armenian Architecture), 1960; Nikoghayos Mare ew Haykakan Chartarapetut'yune (N. Marr and Armenian Architecture), 1969; Zvart'nots'e ew Nuynatip Hushardzannere (Zuart'nots' and Monuments of the Same Type), 1971; Haykakan Ashkharhik Patkerak'andake (Armenian Secular Sculpture), 1976; Kunst des Mittelalter in Armenia, 1981; with N. Step'anian, and Aght'amar, 1983.
Roles: Editor, Author