Puzant Granian

PUZANT GRANIAN is a leading author, critic, and poet of the Armenian diaspora. His many works include plays, short stories, a novel titled THE ARMENIAN COMEDY, travel impressions, collections of verse, and essays on a large variety of topics. In his poetry, Granian grapples with existential questions that have haunted mankind since time immemorial: man's in humanity to man, the futility of existence, the scandal of in justice, the horror of death, the desire for love and fulfillment and the urge to overcome this desire and venture into dark and unexplored regions. Man is viewed as that Promethean being who is driven to unveil the mysteries of existence and to understand a god who does not always understand man. Pain, uncertainty, anxiety, remorse, and despair are constant companions. Beauty, love, and the act of creation may sometimes dissipate these menacing shadows but only for short intervals. Even when Granian speaks of dread and despair, however, he rekindles in us an urge to live. This indeed is the enigma of his poetry — the enigma of all great art.
Role: Author
