I Shall Not Die

(Number: BLG0191)
2013 Paramus
156 pages
Size: 6" x 9"
Language(s): English

Additional Artists

Dr. Wilbur M. Smith has described this book as "one of the most amazing documents of an autobiographical nature I have had in my hands for a long, long time." From the dangerous days of the First World War the story unfolds of Armenian Christianity forcibly deported and driven into the deserts. Over one million of them perished through disease and at the hands of the invading Turks.

Nerses Sarian survived to become Pastor of the Protestant Community in Damascus which he served for 30 years. Towards the end of his life he made his home in Los Angeles, where his son continues in Christian work and is Chairman of the North American Council of the Japan Evangelistic Band.

As a picture of the Church in persecution this story has the great virtue of being a first hand account from one who was directly involved. The atmosphere surrounding many thousands of Christians of our time, facing persecutions and threats of imprisonment, makes highly topical this saga of triumph in adversity.

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