Friends in the World
The Education of a Writer

(ISBN: 0-918273-97-8)
1992 Minneapolis
129 pages
Size: 5 1/2" x 8 1/2"
Language(s): English

At the start of the sixties, Aram Saroyan, a troubled, privileged, Manhattan adolescent, comes to terms with his powerful father. As the decades progress, he begins a family, an influential literary press, and a successful writing career. Despite his insider's entree in the writing world, and unusual advantageous offers, (like a screen test for The Graduate), Saroyan made his own way - not with the help of those in power, but through the power of his peers. Photographs of Allen Ginsberg, Edwin Denby, Ted Berrigan, Ron Padgett, Patti Smith, and other writers and artists who peopled Saroyan's circle of friends are included.

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