Coming to Terms
Selected Poems

(ISBN: 01-935102-30-2)
Ashod Press (Publisher)
1991 New York
72 pages
Size: 6" x 9"
Language(s): English, Western Armenian

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Vahan Derian was born (1885) and educated in Tiflis, later attended the Lazarian Armenian College in Moscow, where he was introduced to the Symbolist movement. During his student days he was arrested by the Czarist police for political activity. He studied Eastern languages at the University of St. Petersburg, and there collaborated with Maxim Gorky in the publication of an anthology of Armenian literature. His first book of poems, published when he was 21, made him a celebrity. There were five more—in addition to unpublished work subsequently collected in anthologies—before he died in 1920 of tuberculosis. He was a man of ideas and political convictions, but the striking thing about his poetry is its musicality, the echo of musical phrase after phrase that hangs over his sense of love and loss, homesickness, death and transience.

This collection of poems which include, "I Love Your Dark and Wicked Eyes," "We Are Orphans, Everyone," and "The Girl Who Worked Miracles." The book contains Hagop Baronian's hand written poems from his first volume of poetry.

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