A Romantic Novel

Helen Noga (Author)
(ISBN: 0-87795-048-2)
Arbor House (Publisher)
1972 New York
215 pages
Size: 5 3/4" x 8 1/2"
Language(s): English

A romantic novel set in the exotic Middle East in the early part of this century, Ayisha gives a fascinating portrayal of a young woman caught in the age-old clash between Armenians and Turks—and caught, as well, in her clashing emotions as she falls in love with the handsome Bayazid, who has long loved her, and who marries her to save her from a barbaric fate.

As the drama moves from Erzurum to Constantinople to the vineyards of California—as Ayisha is forced to return to her legal husband who awaits her there—the reader is taken into the lives of these star-crossed lovers whose enforced separation and final reunion in the Constantinople of their days of joy makes a tenderly moving love story.

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