Identity and Culture

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  1. 2015 The Armenian Condition in Hindsight and Foresight

    2015 The Armenian Condition in Hindsight and Foresight

    A Discourse  

    Starting at: $25.00

  2. Aha Kine…

    Aha Kine…

    And Here, the Woman…: Goddess of the Light, Beauty of the Night  

  3. Album of Armenian Costumes

    Album of Armenian Costumes


  4. Anahita


    A History and Reception of the Iranian Water Goddess  

  5. Ancient Fires // Future Waters

    Ancient Fires // Future Waters

    Reclaiming Ancient Armenian Rituals
    Language(s): English

  6. Aprvats Spiurke

    Aprvats Spiurke

    Diaspora Endured: Collection of Essays and Articles  

  7. Armenia & Karabagh Factbook
  8. Armenia - Culture Smart!

    Armenia - Culture Smart!

    The Essential Guide to Customs & Culture  

  9. Armenia's Viticulture and Armenian Wine Guide
  10. Armenian Ceramics

    Armenian Ceramics

    9th-13th cc. Dvin, Ani

  11. Armenian Costume

    Armenian Costume

    Illustrated Album  

  12. Armenian Diaspora and Stateless Power, The

    Armenian Diaspora and Stateless Power, The

    Collective Identity in the Transnational 20th Century
    Language(s): English

    Starting at: $29.95

  13. Armenian Entrepreneurship

    Armenian Entrepreneurship

    A Visual History
    Language(s): English, Eastern Armenian

  14. Armenian Ethnic Identity in Context

    Armenian Ethnic Identity in Context

    Empirical and Psychosocial Perspective  

  15. Armenian Folk Costumes

    Armenian Folk Costumes

    Language(s): English, Eastern Armenian

  16. Armenian Forum: Volume 1, Number 1, Spring 1998

    Armenian Forum: Volume 1, Number 1, Spring 1998

    A Journal of Contemporary Affairs  

  17. Armenian Forum: Volume 1, Number 2, Summer 1998

    Armenian Forum: Volume 1, Number 2, Summer 1998

    A Journal of Contemporary Affairs,  

  18. Armenian Forum: Volume 1, Number 3, Autumn 1998

    Armenian Forum: Volume 1, Number 3, Autumn 1998

    A Journal of Contemporary Affairs  

  19. Armenian Forum: Volume 1, Number 4, Winter 1998-99

    Armenian Forum: Volume 1, Number 4, Winter 1998-99

    A Journal of Contemporary Affairs,  

  20. Armenian Forum: Volume 2, Number 3

    Armenian Forum: Volume 2, Number 3

    A Journal of Contemporary Affairs,  

  21. Armenian Forum: Volume 2, Number 4

    Armenian Forum: Volume 2, Number 4

    A Journal of Contemporary Affairs
    Ara Sarafian (Author, Editor) Vincent Lima (Editor)

  22. Armenian Legacy in America

    Armenian Legacy in America

    A 400-Year Heritage  

  23. Armenian Vine and Wine
  24. Armenian Wines Guide

    Armenian Wines Guide


  25. Armenian Women

    Armenian Women

    New Visions, New Horizons

  26. Armenian Women in a Changing World

    Armenian Women in a Changing World

    Papers Presented at the First International Conference of the Armenian International Women's Association  

  27. Armenian Women of the Stage
  28. Armenian-American Sketches

    Armenian-American Sketches


  29. Armenian-Americans


    From Being to Feeling Armenian  

    Starting at: $58.95

  30. Armenians and Kurds in the Late Ottoman Empire
  31. Armenians and the Iranian Constitutional Revolution of 1905-1911

    Armenians and the Iranian Constitutional Revolution of 1905-1911

    The Love for Freedom Has No Fatherland  

  32. Armenians in Bulgaria

    Armenians in Bulgaria

    Identity and Historical Memory
    Language(s): English

  33. Armenians in Modern Turkey, The

    Armenians in Modern Turkey, The

    Post-Genocide Society, Politics and History  

    Starting at: $43.95

  34. Armenians in Ottoman Turkey, 1914

    Armenians in Ottoman Turkey, 1914

    A Geographic and Demographic Gazetteer  

  35. Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, The

    Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, The

    An Anthology and a Photo History  

  36. Armenians of Aintab, The

    Armenians of Aintab, The

    The Economics of Genocide in an Ottoman Province
    Umit Kurt (Author)

  37. Armenians of Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia Volumes 1 & 2

    Armenians of Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia Volumes 1 & 2

    Proceedings of the Conference (12-13 April and 29-30 May 2018)
    Language(s): English, Western Armenian, Arabic, French

  38. Armenians of Iraq

    Armenians of Iraq

    History, Culture, Identity
    Language(s): English

  39. Armenians of Lebanon

    Armenians of Lebanon

    From Past Princesses and Refugees to Present-Day Community  

  40. Armenians of New England, The

    Armenians of New England, The

    Celebrating a Culture and Preserving a Heritage  

  41. Armenians Under the Ottoman Empire and the American Mission's Influence on their Intellectual and Social Renaissance
  42. Armenians, The

    Armenians, The

    From Kings and Priests to Merchants and Commissars  

  43. As a Woman Saw It

    As a Woman Saw It

    A Selection of Writings from "The Armenian Observer" 1993-2004  

  44. Book of My Life, The

    Book of My Life, The

    Autobiographical Stories
    Language(s): English

  45. Brass Band of the King, The

    Brass Band of the King, The

    Armenians in Ethiopia
    Language(s): English

  46. Bread and Salt

    Bread and Salt

    Language(s): English, Eastern Armenian

  47. Brokers of Faith, Brokers of Empire

    Brokers of Faith, Brokers of Empire

    Armenians and the Politics of Reform in the Ottoman Empire  

    Starting at: $24.95

  48. De Vita Sua

    De Vita Sua


  49. Dreamt Land, The

    Dreamt Land, The

    Chasing Water and Dust Across California
    Mark Arax (Author)

    Starting at: $17.00

  50. Duduk and National Identity in Armenia, The

Items 1 to 50 of 158 total

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