Identity and Culture
2015 The Armenian Condition in Hindsight and Foresight
A DiscourseSeta B. Dadoyan (Author) Սեդա Տատոյեան (Հեղինակ)Starting at: $25.00
Aha Kine…
And Here, the Woman…: Goddess of the Light, Beauty of the NightMariette Minasian-Ohanes (Author) Մարիէթ Մինասեան Օհանէս (Հեղինակ)$24.95 -
Ancient Fires // Future Waters
Reclaiming Ancient Armenian RitualsKamee Abrahamian (Editor) Ali Cat (Artist)Language(s): English$19.95 -
Aprvats Spiurke
Diaspora Endured: Collection of Essays and ArticlesVatche Semerdjian (Author) Վաչէ Սեմերճեան (Հեղինակ)$20.00 -
Armenia's Viticulture and Armenian Wine Guide
Anik Petrosyan (Author) Անիկ Պետրոսյան (Հեղինակ)$32.00 -
Armenian Diaspora and Stateless Power, The
Collective Identity in the Transnational 20th CenturyLanguage(s): EnglishStarting at: $29.95
Armenian Entrepreneurship
A Visual HistoryHayk Demoyan (Author) Հայկ Դեմոյան (Հեղինակ)Language(s): English, Eastern Armenian$64.95 -
Armenian Ethnic Identity in Context
Empirical and Psychosocial PerspectiveAghop Der-Karabetian (Author)$27.95 -
Armenian Folk Costumes
Nazik Avagyan (Author) Նազիկ Ավագյան (Հեղինակ)Language(s): English, Eastern Armenian$95.00 -
Armenian Forum: Volume 1, Number 1, Spring 1998
A Journal of Contemporary AffairsAra Sarafian (Editor) Vincent Lima (Editor)$40.00 -
Armenian Forum: Volume 1, Number 2, Summer 1998
A Journal of Contemporary Affairs,Ara Sarafian (Editor) Vincent Lima (Editor)$40.00 -
Armenian Forum: Volume 1, Number 3, Autumn 1998
A Journal of Contemporary AffairsAra Sarafian (Editor) Vincent Lima (Editor)$40.00 -
Armenian Forum: Volume 1, Number 4, Winter 1998-99
A Journal of Contemporary Affairs,Ara Sarafian (Editor) Vincent Lima (Editor)$40.00 -
Armenian Forum: Volume 2, Number 3
A Journal of Contemporary Affairs,Ara Sarafian (Editor) Vincent Lima (Editor)$40.00 -
Armenian Forum: Volume 2, Number 4
A Journal of Contemporary AffairsAra Sarafian (Author, Editor) Vincent Lima (Editor)$40.00 -
Armenian Vine and Wine
Nelli A. Hovhannisyan (Author) Aleksandr A. Yesayan (Author) Arsen A. Bobokhyan (Author) Suren G. Hobosyan (Author) Boris Z. Gasparyan (Author)$185.00 -
Armenian Women in a Changing World
Papers Presented at the First International Conference of the Armenian International Women's AssociationBarbara J. Merguerian (Editor) Doris D. Jafferian (Editor)$29.95 -
Armenians and the Iranian Constitutional Revolution of 1905-1911
The Love for Freedom Has No FatherlandHouri Berberian (Author)$64.95 -
Armenians in Bulgaria
Identity and Historical MemoryTakuhi Tavityan (Author)Language(s): English$45.00 -
Armenians in Modern Turkey, The
Post-Genocide Society, Politics and HistoryTalin Suciyan (Author)Starting at: $43.95
Armenians in Ottoman Turkey, 1914
A Geographic and Demographic GazetteerSarkis Y. Karayan (Author)$70.00 -
Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, The
An Anthology and a Photo HistoryJoseph E. Malikian (Author)$120.00 -
Armenians of Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia Volumes 1 & 2
Proceedings of the Conference (12-13 April and 29-30 May 2018)Language(s): English, Western Armenian, Arabic, French$65.00 -
Armenians of Lebanon
From Past Princesses and Refugees to Present-Day CommunityAida Boudjikanian (Editor) Այտա Պուճիգանեան (Խմբագիր)$40.00 -
Armenians of New England, The
Celebrating a Culture and Preserving a HeritageMarc A. Mamigonian (Author)$24.95 -
As a Woman Saw It
A Selection of Writings from "The Armenian Observer" 1993-2004Mireille Kalfayan (Author)$25.00 -
Book of My Life, The
Autobiographical StoriesMariam Aslamazian (Artist)Language(s): English$29.95 -
Brass Band of the King, The
Armenians in EthiopiaBoris Adjemian (Author)Language(s): English$120.00 -
Bread and Salt
Astghik Israelyan (Author) Աստղիկ Իսրայելյան (Հեղինակ)Language(s): English, Eastern Armenian$69.95 -
Brokers of Faith, Brokers of Empire
Armenians and the Politics of Reform in the Ottoman EmpireRichard E. Antaramian (Author)Starting at: $24.95