Turkey Has Recognized the Armenian Genocide (1895-1923)
The Testimony of Her Majesty the Turkish Press

(ISBN: 878-0-9676648-3-5)
2010 Los Angeles
191 pages
Size: 5 1/2" x 8 1/2"
Language(s): English

"I dedicate this book to TURKKAYA ATAOV, SALAHI SONYEL, IZGI OMER, YILMAZ OZTUNA, HUSSEYN CHELIK, YUSSUF HALADJOGLU, SULEYMAN SEYFI OGUN and to many other scholars. Every time they come across historical documents, witnesses, and reports which expose the crimes of the Ottomans, they label these reports and their authors with unprofessional words. With this approach, U.S. Ambassador Morgenthau becomes a biased politician; Lepsius is considered a foreign spy; Naim Bey is viewed as a lunatic author in his ""Memoirs""; Paul de Veou's analysis is pure allegation; and eyewitness' reports and statements have to be considered fake, fantasy and fairy tale. In the works of the above mentioned scholars I did not encounter any word from Turkish newspapers of that time. Whenever a Turkish or Ottoman newspaper tried to criticize the Ottoman regime, the above mentioned scholars labeled them as follows: ""LE BOSPHORE"" was published by the occupying authorities in the Ottoman Capital to further Arme¬nian interest"", or ""RENAISSANCE"" was a French language paper...serving the same interests..."" What about WAKIT, ALEMDAR, SABAH, ME§VERET, IKDAM, AK§AM, ILERI, and many other Turkish newspapers? Their number exceeds one hundred! Were their reports and analyses biased, fake, allegations, debatable or lies too? I dedicate this book to the above mentioned Turkish scholars to find the truth in the Ottoman newspapers." - John Ahmaranian

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