Explosions in Turkey, and… not only
ASALA from within

(ISBN: 978-99941-0-9982)
Tigran Mets (Publisher)
2021 Yerevan
279 pages
Size: 5 3/4" x 8"
Language(s): English

Additional Artists

Iren Hakobyan (Translator)

The book illustrates the information provided by one of the unidentified members of the Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia (ASALA). For the most part, the information is being revealed to the public for the first time. This mysterious person is the executor of more than hundred attacks against Turkish Interests and that of its allies. The author has combined the stories of the mysterious member with the information he has gathered throughout years of research, which help form a complete image of the conditions leading to the creation of ASALA, its objectives, the results of its military operations and what relates to its many internal controversial issues. For the purpose of presenting the subject in a more impressive manner, it is illustrated as a realistic novel, whose genre includes literary creativity features. The book also gives information about the situation of the Armenian community in Lebanon during the civil war.

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