Artyok Ovker En Coloring Book

Արդեօք ովքեր են

(ISBN: 979-8-3507-2786-9)
YerkBook (Publisher)
12 pages
Size: 11" x 8 1/2"
Language(s): English, Eastern Armenian

This coloring book includes vibrant line art from the “Artyok Ovker En” YerkBook and complete lyrics of the song. It is intended to teach the lyrics by tracing the letters, whilst enjoying a fun activity of coloring the illustrations.

Tro Krikorian found his love for Armenian folk and patriotic music at a young age. Known for his acoustic performances, he is able to grab the attention of communities worldwide, specially the younger generation. He has collaborated with many seasoned artists and musicians in recent years. The acoustic style of Armenian patriotic music was first adopted and recorded by Tro Krikorian in 2015. Besides being a musician, Tro is a community activist and a professional in the field of Law.

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