Artyok Ovker En Board Book

Արդեօք ովքեր են

(ISBN: 978-8-3507-2198-0)
YerkBook (Publisher)
12 pages
Size: 6" x 8 3/4"
Language(s): English, Eastern Armenian

Second book from a series of children's sing-along adventures that introduces young readers to the rich world of Armenian patriotic & folk songs, thoughtfully crafted by Tro Krikorian. With a heartfelt mission to cultivate a deep appreciation for the Armenian language and music from an early age, these enchanting books blend the joy of singing with the magic of storytelling.

Children embark on an immersive journey into the world of Armenian music. Each page comes alive with vibrant illustrations designed in Armenia, breathing life into the lyrical treasures that lie within. Yerkbook not only nurtures reading and narrative skills but also kindles a lifelong love for the language and melodies of the homeland.

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