Armenian Proverbs and Expressions
A Collection from the Early Detroit Armenian Community in Delray and Elsewhere

(ISBN: 978-0-9801453-3-5)
Shoushan Books (Publisher)
2019 Bloomfield Hills
207 pages
Size: 7 3/4" x 9 1/4"
Language(s): English, Western Armenian

Author Susan Kadian Gopigian began collecting Armenian proverbs many decades ago when she lived in Delray, Michigan. She collected hundreds of proverbs in the Armenian language, then transliterated them using the English alphabet and also translated them into English to make them accessible to all readers, whether they know Armenian or not. The author selected certain proverbs for inclusion because she heard them frequently or because they reflect the former Armenian way of life. That she was able to meet the challenges involved in collecting and editing Armenian proverbs can only be described as a true labor of love.

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